Minor repairs - price*

We are not a full-fledged construction company that carries out turnkey repairs, but our engineers are professionals with extensive experience in solving problems of minor repairs. We have collected and calculated the costs of typical work, which gives you the opportunity to accurately, quickly and without risk solve problems that arise, so that your apartment is always in perfect condition!

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Air conditioner maintenance/repair

25,95 USD

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Boiler maintenance/repair

16,22 USD

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Cleaning the shower drain

5,41 USD

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Departure and diagnostics (cost per hour)

21,62 USD

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21,62 USD

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Entrance door maintenance/repair

16,22 USD

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Exhaust fan replacement

7,57 USD

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Fireplace maintenance/cleaning

12,97 USD

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Interior door maintenance/repair

10,81 USD

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Minor repairs (cost per hour)

10,81 USD

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Mixer replacement/repair

16,22 USD

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Remove/hang curtains/curtains (linear meter)

5,41 USD

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Removing sewer clogs

25,95 USD

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Repairing water supply leaks

12,97 USD

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Replacement/repair of cornice

16,22 USD

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Replacement/repair of lamp/chandelier

8,65 USD

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Replacement/repair of sensors (fire, motion, smoke, etc.)

21,62 USD

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Replacement/repair of socket/switch

7,57 USD

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Replacing bath/shower sealant (linear meter)

5,41 USD

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Replacing batteries

2,16 USD

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Replacing the lamp

2,59 USD

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Replacing the shower head

4,32 USD

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Replacing the toilet lid

5,41 USD

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Search, purchase and delivery of material

16,22 USD

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Siphon cleaning

16,22 USD

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Siphon replacement/repair

12,97 USD

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Toilet cistern replacement/repair

16,22 USD

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Vacuum cleaner maintenance/repair

5,41 USD

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Washing machine maintenance/repair

21,62 USD

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Window maintenance/adjustment

16,22 USD

*Additionally paid:

Service fee (20%)

NPD (6%)

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