Calculate your profit

Income from renting an apartment depends on many criteria, but first of all, on its location. Apartments in the center, even of a small area, can bring their owners much more income than luxury apartments further away.

Tourists are also attracted by the property's proximity to attractions, convenient access to public transport, convenient location in relation to train stations and airports, and the presence of restaurants and cafes. Of course, the accommodation conditions are also important: the number of beds, amenities and style of the apartment.

You can always contact our real estate professionals, who will take into account all the features of your home and name the exact amount of income when collaborating with us. This section is designed for everyone who has decided to rent out their apartment or apartment under real estate management. A quick online estimate using our DUBAI FLAT INN calculator will help you determine the approximate cost of the apartment and set the rental price. Both registered and unregistered users can find out the estimated monthly cost using our daily rental calculator. Online apartment rental estimates are based on rental prices posted on and AirBnb. The average price is calculated using an algorithm that takes into account the characteristics of the specified and neighboring objects. Proposals with similar characteristics that are closest to the specified location are given the most weight. It is important to understand that the online assessment is indicative in nature, since the price of a particular apartment or apartment is influenced by a number of factors, such as the condition of the property, layout, view from the windows, proximity of houses of opposite price categories and much more. Prices for different periods may vary. Calculate your profit.